Alistair has made a number of observations in the last two
years, and he has published a couple of nice papers highlighting rates and
underlying biochemistry of photosynthesis for tundra vegetation. Most recently
while conducting this research he noticed that plant growth was slow or delayed
this year compared to previous years, as was the expansion of leaves that he
was relying on for many of his measurements. It was a challenge to find leaves
of a suitable size for his gas exchange cuvette. Alistair also noticed the
leaves were not as green as they were at this time last year possibly due to
cold temperatures, limited thaw depth for root development, and a general lack
of nitrogen uptake by the plants. Since photosynthesis is strongly dependent on
leaf nitrogen, Alistair has observed that rates are somewhat lower than last
year. It will be interesting to see if photosynthesis rates recover to expected
levels as the season progresses (and hopefully warms) and as plants continue to
grow and mature.
It is important to know that the growing season in Barrow is
short, typically just three months or so. Not much time for soils to warm,
thaw, and biology to come alive on the tundra.
Plants are particularly challenged this year. Although only the latter
part of July, temperatures are expected to soon peak and then decline as we get
into August. Winter is on the horizon. A few plants are flowering, but even
that seems to be less than what I recall in past years.
It would appear that plants have a challenging time growing in this harsh and highly variable environment. Alistair's research is helping us understand how plants cope and adapt to change in an Arctic environment. Knowledge from his studies will be useful as we seek to improve predictions of climate using Earth System Models.